Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lexicons 4.0- Sloterdijk

Air / Condition - Peter Sloterdijk

[Topic Based]
latency- (n.)

1. An inactive state of existence and potential

2. The condition of being repressed or un-manifested

3. Dormant, Hidden, Acquiescent, Suspended

" Before long many moderns appeared to have forgotten Hegel's fundamental principle of modern philosophy, whose analogue in aesthetic production would be: that the depth of a thought can be measured only by its power of elaboration - otherwise depth is no more than an empty symbol of unresolved latency." - Sloterdijk, 75

Greenhouse Effect- (n.)

1. The natural phenomenon that the earth allows the sun's radiant heat through its atmosphere, which is then absorbed in the ozone layer to maintain temperatures suitable for life.

2. The effect that radiant heat from the sun will pass through the glass to be absorbed by the surfaces inside and then retained inside by the glass casing.

3. Thermal gases such as water, vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone, which are trapped by the earth's thermal blanket atmosphere

"Life as we know it is contingent on the fact that, thanks to its atmospheric filter, the earth's surface lives thirty-degrees beyond its means. If people are...pupils of the air, then the clouds are their tutors." - Sloterdijk, 91

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